Cheap wigs 4 noobz

Cosplay 4 noobz, Uncategorized

I get it,buying wigs on Ebay (or similar shops) may not be the best idea in the world, but everyone was once a student or a normal person who is not willing to pay their monthly salary for high quality wig.

I will not explain how to shop on Ebay, what to watch out for etc. That would be a topic for a whole article itself. I am going to explain to you what to do when the wig of your dreams has finally arrived and you want it to survive more than a few hours at a convention.

  • First thing that I like to do: I put my wig on my wig head and leave it (I personally prefer outside) and leave it for a few hours. This way the wig loses its ugly plastic smell and I personally feel better wearing it afterwards.
  • After this procedure, I will lightly brush it and I will apply a hair oil, so I can avoid tangling. I personally use Oil repair by Balea, which is cheap and pretty available.
  • Style it, wear it and cry about tangling AFTER CON CARE!
  • Fill a bathtub, sink, bucket or whatever with warm water and add shampoo and conditioner and let the wig sit in it for an hour or two, then washout all the bubbles and soap and let it dry (24 hours is enough).
  • Use detangling spray (water and conditioner or fabric softener) and comb it from the bottom to the top. I think the combs for babies are the best,wooden combs work great as well. Do not use brushes!!!
  • Apply a hair oil.
  • Your wig is beautiful and fresh! Congratulations!

PRO TIP: For curly/wavy wigs – If you are washing these types of wigs and you want that beautiful hair to stay curly, wash them in cold water.

Circle lenses 4 noobz

Cosplay 4 noobz

Many of these things may seem pretty obvios to you, but trust me, there are too many people who don’t take this stuff seriosly and often end up seriosly hurt.

  •  ALWAYS check with your doctor that you can wear lenses. Better safe than sorry, right?
  • After opening your 1st package – You have to let them rest in multipurpose lense solution for at least 24 hours. The reason for this is that the solution from the original package is not the same as the multipurpose one and you could get your eye infected or worse. Lenses start expiring the day after you open them so don’t forget to mark it in your calendar, so you don’t forget the expiration date.
  •  Never wash your lenses with water. Bacteria that live there could be very dangerous for your eyesight.
  • Never buy lenses on ebay, on aliexpress, or used lenses.
  • Never wear anyone else’s lenses or lend them to your friend. What is safe for your eyes could not be safe for your friend’s.
  • Never sleep or swim with lenses.
  • ALWAYS check that your lenses are not inside out. They should look like a bowl with the edges inward. You can also check if the colour is right. Here are some pictures:
  • You have to change the solution everytwo months while storing lenses. You should also wash your case in boiling or hot water to kill bacteria.
  • Pro tip: Put in your contact lenses BEFORE you do your makeup so no dirt gets into your eye. You should also be careful around the eye area afterwards.

Where to buy? My personal favourite is They have prescription lenses and pretty good sales sometimes so you can get pair of lenses for like 12 dollars (normally around 25) which is super awesome. I could do some review/unpacking if you are interested. You should also check the reviews!

Some helpful videos:

Pinky paradise official guide: